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Current Projects

Skills and Enterprise Development

Skills for Jobs

Youth unemployment rate in Kenya averages at 35%. Poor women and youth lack skills and access to capital and markets to grow a business and create jobs. Poor women and young people are enabled to grow their existing small businesses, raise their income, build a sustainable livelihood for themselves and their families, and create employment opportunities for others.

Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs

SMEs have been facing unprecedented income losses and uncertainties about their future because of business disruptions due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Most SMEs do not have financial reserves to meet expenses during emergencies. It also emerged that many Kenyans do not make savings with only 39% of Kenyans have set aside funds to manage emergencies that arise from loss of income.

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Go Blue

The overall project goal is to contribute to coastal economic development in an inclusive, integrated, participatory, and sustainable manner that will strengthen inclusive and sustainable blue economy value chains through skill development and matching, and value chain development. The project will raise incomes and improve working conditions through cooperation with the business and the public sector thereby promoting economic growth by enhancing labour productivity for the reduction of poverty in Kwale, Tana-River, Mombasa, Kilifi and Lamu Counties.

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Green Economy

Promoting integrated farming for increased food security and climate adaptation. The objective is to support innovative and resilient farming methods that will increase food security and contribute to the economic and livelihood development. The young people in particular who are more energized and creative have been given platforms through which they can develop farming structures and increase production.

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Renewable Energy

Improving employment and economic opportunities for the youth through cooperation with the public and private sectors by supporting young Kenyans to access job opportunities in the renewable energy sector. The project promotes demand-oriented skills and develop a renewable energy talent pool, thereby increasing the number of skilled technicians in the renewable energy sub-sector.

Peace and Governance

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The project empowers men and boys by providing safe spaces to strategically engage in mitigating violence against women. The project fosters collaboration between schools, the police, health and legal service providers and community leaders. It trained community and religious leaders as mentors in violence prevention.

Preventing Gender Based Violence


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Accelerated Response Initiative against Violent Extremism (ARIVE)

The program aims at addressing the weak P/CVE system, coordination and collaboration across state and non-state actors, high levels of distrust between government and communities persist and the voices of those most at-risk of radicalization and recruitment that goes unheard in the forums, platforms and policies established to build greater resilience to VE.


Kenya Electoral Conflicts Mitigation & Civic/Voter Education Support Program(ECCES)

Kenya Electoral Conflicts Mitigation & Civic/Voter Education Support (ECCES) Program ensures resilience of vulnerable populations and environments is improved, civil society, women and youth successfully participate in democratic processes, lead voter/civic education and implement local strategies to mitigate and respond to electoral violence. The program secures the safety and security of all citizens, safeguarding their human rights, and deepening the inclusion of traditionally marginalized groups e.g. women, youth, and people with disabilities

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Resilience Peace and Stability (RPS) is an overall program being support by the royal Danish embassy through Act Change Transform! The project being implemented under RPS is dubbed “strengthening community resilience for peace and security (SCRS) project”. The objectives for the projects is:

  1. To strengthen inter group relations between groups and communities affected by conflict (inter-ethnic, intra ethnic, other conflicting in-groups and out-groups).

  2. To reduce push/pull factors towards violence among at risk groups through peace messaging, social linkages and transformation platforms for women, youths and vulnerable groups.

  3. To strengthen state and non-state peace actor’s coordination on PCVE in Kisumu through capacity building and enhanced cooperation between communities and government agencies based on respect for human rights and good governance.


Resilience Peace and Stability (RPS)


Co-Convenor of the National Peace Actors Forum (PAF)

PAF is a coordination platform that steers the peace advocacy and policy agenda by bringing together various peace initiatives, organizations, sectors and leaders engaged and promoting peaceful resolution of Kenya’s diverse conflicts  through dialogue, research and building of of synergy. The NMF was born out of the need for a collective, consistent and coordinated voice on an inclusive national dialogue.


Building Community Identity for Change

The project aims at promoting peaceful coexistence and the reintegration of youth at risk into the community through dialogues, sports, culture and income generating activities. The project promotes cross learning as a strategy to influence negative perceptions, and behaviour between communities and identity groups in Mombasa County. These include tailor made capacity training on conflict transformation, non-violent communication, problem solving dialogue as alternative to violence as well as trust and confidence building.

Improving Community Safety and Cohesion in Kisumu

​The project aims at transforming violent conflicts among the youth at risk by fostering their integration into the community and reducing violent gang and extremist activities that undermine community safety. Enhance communication, collaboration and trust between the police, the county government, local politicians, the civil society and youth at risk of violence and crime. 

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Climate-Change Governance

The projects seeks promote resilient practices that conserve the natural resources by enhancing equitable access, utilization and sharing the natural. through this projects, pastoralist communities and the fisherfolks are organized, trained and provided with alternative knowledge and skills that sustains the use of the natural resources including water, pasture, land through alternative agriculture and aquaculture that improves incomes and livelihood.

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