Become a Partner

Project Partnerships
Pamoja is the ideal partner for foundations, governments and individuals seeking a sustainable and effective development partnership in Kenya.
Reasons for a Partnership with Pamoja for Transformation
Pamoja is a trustful leader in the field of conflict transformation, peace and democracy building in Kenya.
Pamoja does not provide “aid”, but creates sustainable foundations upon which local people are enabled to build their own future.
Highly regarded international donors and foundation, such as DIFID have trusted Pamoja's work for many years.
Pamoja adheres to high quality in project implementation.
Our staff are experts in their fields, such as community safety, good governance, monitoring and evaluations.
We adhere to Kenyan accounting standards and our financial statements are externally audited.
Pamoja applies internationally recognised methods for results measurement, including the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) standard.