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Building Community Identity for Change

At a Glance

Location: Mombasa

Duration: 2018-2019

Donor: GIZ


Project activitiesThe one year project adopts a multilateral approach to addressing the identity violence between the youth and community in Mombasa County. These include tailor made capacity training on conflict transformative, non-violent communication as alternative to violence and trust and confidence building dialogue and actions in order to promote peaceful coexistence and the reintegration of the juvenile youth at risk into the community. These selected activities will further promote acceptance and collaboration between the community stakeholders, local government and the implementing organization in addressing the organized crime violence. 




Expected Results

Overall goal

The goal of this project is to contribute towards Kenya’s vision 2030 through enhanced security, peace building and conflict transformation. For this change to happen, a key prerequisite or precondition will be improved capacity and effectiveness of specific stakeholders including CSOs, government officials and community oversight bodies to address the worrying trend of juvenile organized criminal gangs in Mombasa County.


Expected outcomes


The expected outcome of this project is: Improved capacity and effectiveness of community safety to counter violent extremism and prevent the spread of organized crime in Mombasa County. 


  1. Identify at least five organized juvenile groups to engage directly with the stakeholders within their communities. 

  2. Enhance the capacity of local level safety structures to address emerging conflicts and forestall violence

  3. Heighten the engagement of juvenile members of the criminal groups and community safety structures to enhance trust and confidence

  4. Enhance collaboration among peace and security actors in the community in addressing the organized criminal violence


Expected results 


  1. Community acceptance and reintegration of the transformed juveniles

  2. Increased levels of trust and confidence between the members of the criminal groups and the community and safety stakeholders

  3. Increased capacity of the community stakeholders to address violence and conflicts

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