Promoting Community Resilience Towards Peaceful Elections
Kenya has experienced recurrent community-based (tribal) animosity from 1992- 2017 in every electoral cycle in Kenya, marked by widespread violence, fear and suspicion on security and electoral integrity, underlying community prejudices and mistrust and overall discontent with the management of elections. In the 2022 General Elections, Pamoja for Transformation and partners implemented the Promoting Community Resilience Towards Peaceful Elections (PCR) project. The 8-month project was steered by a network of our trained grassroots-level peace champions, state and non-state actors, cross border Boda Boda peace champions’ network and ad hoc election security networks. Through continuous community engagements and interventions, the project fostered peace and security, which contributed to the reduction of violence (reported and unreported) before, during and after 2022 General Elections in Kisumu and Mombasa Counties. This documentation highlights the strategies deployed by different actors to achieve the outcomes, best practices and lessons learnt to inform future election programming