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Capacity Building for MSMEs Within Mari-culture Value Chain at the Kenyan Coast.

Growth, Opportunity and Sustainable Ocean Economy


The project is part of GIZ Go Blue Coastal Development Programme(WP3). The  purpose of the project is to strengthen inclusive and sustainable blue economy value chains through skills development and matching, and value chain development. The implementation of this project is geared towards promoting economic growth by improving employment rates, providing alternative livelihoods, raise incomes and productivity of youth, young women and low-income youth in the five targeted counties of implementation i.e Lamu, Mombasa, Kilifi, Tana River and Kwale. The project also purpose to develop an enabling environment for a strong skills eco-system through technical assistance and capacity building for women and unemployed youth.

The specific objectives include Skills development and matching and value chain development.

 The project purpose to train 1,400 Mari culture MSMEs youth, vulnerable male and female farmers and other value chain players

 Dabaso Crab Shark group.

The group was formed  and registered as a community based organization for more than three years ago in Watamu Dabaso ward along the Mida Creek. The group is conserving the mangrove tree which also serves as a breeding ground for crabs fingerlings.Dabaso conservation group has established not only a farm, but also a resource centre with a conference facility and a restaurant with crab value-added delicacies, produced by the group.  The farm and the centre have improved the livelihoods of the group members and the community; they are also marketed as a tourist attraction by the Kenya Tourism Board.The group does crab farming in crab cages within mangrove ecosystem.

Species: Mud crabs.




  • Formed in 2011 as a conservation group later Pwani university sponsored them 8 ponds 12/20 as an income generating activity for the group and a research center for the students.

  • Spices: milk fish and prawns.


  • Getting fingerling to fill the ponds has been a big challenge for the group

  • Marketing strategies since the brokers are earning more money than the group at least that’s what they feel. Fish food is expensive including the machine to grind the food

  • The farmers and the value chain players were trained on Seed production, pond management, feeding and fish feed conversion ratio, harvesting techniques and Mari culture as a business.

  •  To enabled the farmers and other stakeholders understand how to calculate the cost of production, strategies suitable for lowering the costs of production and increasing the sales price.

SHANGANI AMANI GROUP at Nyumba Sita, Msambweni in Kwale county.


The group has been doing seaweed since its registration in 2011.

The project has contributed to the strong cohesion within the group that is currently doing extensive seaweed farming, waste management and mangrove reforestation.  Through the project, there has been improved and sustained livelihoods through production increase, post-harvest loss reduction and market access. Through the influence of PfT, there has been a ripple effect in harvest from production of 900kg with an income of Kshs 20 per kg to at least 2 tonnes per harvest at the cost of up to Kshs 35 per kg. Well-developed records that clearly shows the cash flow.  The sale of seaweed value addition products has substantially improved after the group was able to acquire a machine used in processing of value added products such as soap, lotions, gel, shampoo, etc. Women empowerment through inclusion in leadership and engagement in mangrove replantation and in the downstream segments of the value chain including processing, value addition and trading that do not require assets needed for production.



Mtongani Kidundu self help group is a CBO registered group that is committed to preserve and nurture mangrove trees along the coastline in Mnarani ward in Kilifi County. The group was registered in 2011 and also does milkfish/prawn farming. Pamoja has contributed to the group’s formalization and upscaling. The group was initially registered as a CBO but based on the market demand and future business engagement nationally, the group resolved to register as a private limited company. This formalization has resulted to improved working conditions and increased income both from the pond operations and the restaurant as displayed on the group financial records. The linkage creation during the open field days organized by Pamoja for Transformation coupled by its improved value preposition intensified the group’s marketing strategy. The group also does bee farming as another revenue stream. The modeling was informed by the need to diversify their business so as in the event of any collapse or delay in the main stream, there will be an alternative source of income. There’s increase in sales brought about by abhorring good business practices and good marketing strategy like social media. 



Mokowe Dolphin Self-Help Group in Mokowe, Lamu County


The group was started in 2020 without any technical knowledge on crab farming. Started the crab farming business in September 2022 and Pamoja has contributed substantially to the groups progress through improved capacity development. The group has been able to mitigates the challenge with the death of crabs through spacing and proper feeding. This was due to the technical training received by the members organized by Pamoja. Through the influence of Pamoja for Transformation the group is committed towards the growth and improved livelihood of their members and the local community through improved productivity before Dec 2022.


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