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Pamoja for Transformation in Kenya and Liechtenstein adheres to the Initiative Transparent Civil Society by Transparency International. We hereby follow other aid organizations and foundations who work towards increasing the transparency of charitable organizations. Civil society needs to be transparent and organized democratically, otherwise it risks its credibility and hence its legitimacy. Below, we present an overview of our finances, our structure of organization and decision-making, and the leadership of our organization. For further questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Pamoja for Transformation Trust, Kenya


1. Name, address and year of establishment 

Name: Pamoja for Transformation Trust, Kenya
Address: House No.4, Ring Road Kilimani, next to 53 park.
Year of establishment: 2009


2. Complete statute and statements about our aims

Statutes: feel free to download the deed of trust of Pamoja here.
Aims: Supporting communities affected by conflict with resources and tools to move from crisis and poverty to peace and development. 


4. Name and function of the main decision-makers

The Board of Trustees of Pamoja is the organization's highest governing body and trustees serve for a time period of five years. Current trustees are Hezron Masitsa, Chairperson; Stephen Kadenyo, Executive Director; and Alice Nagele, Board Secretary.


5. Activities report

Our Annual Reports give you a summary of our projects and internal developments, as well an overview of our financial activities. The latest Annual Report you find here.


6. Structure of authority

The board of directors manages the business of the association and accepts full responsibility regarding all issues of the organization. Together with the Executive Director, they decide on general strategies and developments. 


7. Information about the source of funding

You can find all information about the sources of funding in our Annual Reports


8. Information about the application for funding

You can find all information about the sources of funding in our Annual Reports.


9. Affiliated third parties



Pamoja for Transformation e.V., Liechtenstein

1. Name, Sitz, Anschrift und Gründungsjahr
Pamoja for Transformation e.V., Eibenweg 3, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Gründungsjahr: 2015

2. Vollständige Satzung sowie Angaben zu den Zielen unserer Organisation
zur Satzung
allgemeine Angaben zu den Zielen
bezogen auf unsere Themenfelder

3. Angaben zur Steuerbegünstigung

4. Name und Funktion wesentlicher Entscheidungsträger
Zu den Vorstandsmitgliedern von Pamoja Liechtenstein. Der Vorstand arbeitet ehrenamtlich und bekommt keine Aufwandsentschädigung für seine Arbeit.

5. Tätigkeitsbericht
zum Jahresbericht 

6. Personalstruktur
zum Team
7. Angaben zur Mittelherkunft
zu den Jahresberichten

8. Angaben zur Mittelverwendung
zu den Jahresberichten

9. Gesellschaftsrechtliche Verbundenheit mit Dritten

10. Namen von juristischen Personen, deren jährliche Zahlungen mehr als 10 % des Gesamtjahresbudgets ausmachen
2017: AtDta Stiftung Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Mariano Stiftung; Christian Martin Stiftung

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